HTML site map

HTML site map, what is it?

HTML is the format utilised for conventional web pages. A HTML site map, on a normal web page, will serve as the map of your website. The advantage of this format is, once a page has been visited by a user, the color will change. It's advisable, for large websites to separate the site map on several pages.

Why do you need a HTML site map?

When we are in a place like a airport, a map of the place with the "you are here" dot always comes in very handy. The site map on a website will have the same function. It will guide your vistors so that they find their way much more easily.
Search engines are vistors of your website as well and your HTML map will help them find your pages easily.

From all pages on your webite the site map should be accesible.

In most cases, a grouped link to the pages sorted by category, is the most used layout and we recommend this.
Sometimes a list of all your pages in alphabetical order is more adequate.

In the process of creating the strategy Scuba Promotion will assist you in deciding the layout that fits your website best.

Ask for your free personalized offer to create and maintain your site
